August 3, 2007

Cyborg-ify Me, Yes or No?

Picture this - you have a medically malfunctioning body part causing a life-threatening condition. You can't afford treatment. Ding! Dong! - you get the door and standing before you are two people dressed in white lab coats. Smiley face says, "You have been randomly selected to be treated at our medical research facility." You yell 'Yoo-hoo!' and do a little dance.

Then comes the catch... "In exchange for repairing your malfunctioning body part, we will also replace and transfer some of your functional parts into others. You will become a Cyborg - a synthesis of organic and synthetic parts."

Does your jaw drop, does your head spin, or do you think... what the heck, at least I will be alive and hey, parts of me will function better than humanly possible? Do you say... Cyborgify me, yes or no?

My answer: Yes, provided my existence doesn't become so machine-like as to drag me away from my human essence.

Note: check out Heineken's new cybernetics ad

[Question I asked on - August 3rd, 2007]

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