October 12, 2005

Seeking Middle Ground

Hallo... you are in the market seeking a professional job and have polished up your resume, interviewing skills, clothes, shoes, and smile. You have memorized the company's website, studied their competitors, and put together your personal sales pitch. Looking holistically good, you make it to the interview stage - the 1st, the 2nd, maybe even the 3rd interview zoom by relatively smoothly. Now, you are ready to be given a job offer.

Nothing! Yes, nothing. You got all green lights and now a red light. Why? Sorry 'dear job candidate' but you are not technical enough, not senior enough, not junior enough, not product oriented enough, not service oriented enough, not engineeringly inclined enough, not sales minded enough, not old enough, not young enough... enough, enough, enough!!!

You don't fit here and you don't fit there, you just don't fit anywhere! One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish... but you are not a fish at all, you are a different species on the wall. Your species won't be given a chance, to prove yourself, to grow, to enhance. Sad but true, what is a non-fish to do? How bizarre, how bizarre!!

So, do you jazz up or jazz down your resume? Throw in or throw out buzz words? Talk big or talk small at the next interview? As a drastic measure, maybe you should scrap your current job hunt and seek employment in a totally different field - serving coffee, cleaning horse stables, clicking a cash register, coaching a kid's soccer team, chopping trees...? All respectable jobs, but just not in the field of your choice.

If you can't find Middle Ground, a place where you are neither this not that, or can't find a company that is willing to take a risk and hire you in the hope that you will adjust yourself accordingly... you are going to be putting aside years of experience and education to go chase a new career. Scary? For some. Is your glass half empty or half full?


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