Hallo... a cool summer evening, the end of a tough day in corporate America, me with a virgin strawberry diaquiri, my friend KG with a diaquiri on-the-rocks, so we raised our glasses to a toast.
KG said, "And here is to... All Animals Are Equal, But Some Animals Are More Equal Than Others!"
Just as our glasses clinked I laughed and said, "What? Some animals are more equal than others? That doesn't make any sense."
"George Orwell. Animal Farm. Haven't you read 'Animal Farm'?" KG asked in a surprised tone.
"I know of George Orwell and '1984' but not this one," I replied.
KG smiled and said, "Get it, read it, and let's chat!"
I did that night, because I just had to know why and how some animals can be more equal than others. About three years have gone by since I first read it and it opened my eyes to the truth, that we can be equal and yet not equal in the same society, country, workplace, and planet.
Recently, I reread 'Animal Farm' and it still rings true. Communism was a failure. Socialism is unreal. Dictators stand for themselves. Democracy is beautiful, but sadly, no pure democracy exists anywhere. There will always be a Napoleon (leader) and his gang versus a gullible helpless underclass (all the other animals on the farm). Rules will always be tailored to suit the reigning regime.
Wait - 'always' sounds like such an extreme word and I don't like extremes, so I want to FREE Animal Farm! March in there, re-educate Napoleon & Co. and specially all the other animals, help them come up with democratically agreed on commandments, make sure success has been achieved for the long term, and walk on to the next farm to repeat my mission. Idealistic? Big Picture Thinking? Out of the Box Vision? Pragmatic? Maybe not given the right conditions, huh?
A suggestion regarding
Orwell's ---
Animal Farm - "Get it, read it, and let's chat!"